A Letter to you, Beloved of Christ Jesus

Return to our Way of Life

Beloved of Christ Jesus,

I want you to treasure this. True love hopes all things. The God of all things loves you. God’s love hopes all things for you. Across all the winding ways and days of your life you are, at this moment, where only you can be. Exactly where you find yourself, you will also find God’s love, accepting you as you are. Every moment of your life is held and sustained within the triune love of our Creator and God. With each moment and every breath, you are invited to live your life with God and to follow after Jesus.

You are within the words of this Urban Monastic Way of Life. It may be that becoming a monastic is one of the things our God hopes for you. The Urban Monastic Way of Life is an invitation to a simple life and a rigorous life. It is a life of growing humility, grace, and love that is lived out in your city. All are welcome to follow this Way of Life. You are welcome to become an Urban Monastic. I’m glad you are here, with these words of life. You are welcome here, to journey here, and to become here.

This Way of Life is one of the many ways that God invites people to follow Jesus. It is a life that will lead you deeper into humility, grace, and love. These three characteristics dwell in the heart of Jesus. They describe His birth, His ministry, and the way He gave Himself over to death. It was Jesus’ love that held Him on the cross and that overcame death. It is in love that Jesus invites us to take up our own crosses to follow after Him.

Your cross is yours alone. Today and tomorrow, only you can take up your cross. Similarly, no one else can live this Way of Life for you. A monastic life is deeply focused on being and becoming. Only you can do the hard work of your becoming. The pages of this Way of Life are not a destination, but sustenance for your journey. Its foundations lay a way for you to journey together with the Holy Spirit. God longs for you to experience His love. His love will invite you deeper into yourself. It will stretch you to have greater love for all things. As with every journey of faith, you alone are responsible for each step and misstep.

As an Urban Monastic, you are invited to live your journey within community. While your inward journey happens in solitude with God, let the becoming of your life unfold with others. Look and see that there are people making their way like you. Within community, we can practice our humility, grace, and love. Together we get to pray, share, grieve, and celebrate. Allow yourself to be a sustaining presence of God for another. Let others be that presence for you.

On your way, the love of God is your hope and refuge. Only within God’s love can your soul find the tender embrace you long for. The tenderness of our God will sustain you and give you life. Let God’s love inspire you to dream of being more like Jesus. God hopes all things for you, and knows all you can become.

Jesus invites you to become like Him. Allow Him to journey with you in your becoming. Along the way, there will be difficulties and struggles. It is not easy to carry your cross as you follow Christ. This journey is the work of your becoming. God’s love will sustain you on your way. For Jesus has begun a wonderful work within you, and He will see it through. The sustaining love of God is a spring of water that overflows with life. Return to it often through prayer. Enjoy the love of God in your life. God’s love and grace will sustain you and all things.

May God’s love envelope and sustain you.
May your becoming bring life and hope.
May God be with you on your journey.
May you be more present with God, others, and all things.
May God invite you to become an Urban Monastic.

I pray this with you.

Christ Jesus, help our minds and bodies believe that God will sustain us in His love. Grow within us our desire to pray, fast, and to find rest in You. Journey with us into our becoming. Allow this Way of Life to guide our ways. Let our journey bear fruit for this hungry world. Be present with us in all that life will bring, God of all things. Master and Perfecter of our faith, fill us with faith, hope, and love. Forever and ever.