The Urban Monastics Team
About Urban Monastics

A team of dedicated individuals serve our community. They enable all we do with their work, expertise, and passion for Urban Monasticism. Thank you, to all of you. To those who have, are, and will contribute to this work we are doing together.
Senior Leadership

Paul Prins
Paris, France
A Founder & Director General
Since 2019
I’m trying to live a simple, gracious, and integrated life. I believe the way we live flows out of the deep wells. Wells that are filled with our beliefs and values. As I meditate and contemplate, these wells have deepened. Since 2004, I’ve been a minister in different contexts and countries. These have included churches, student ministries, and homeless shelters. I received a Masters of Divinity from Bethel Theological Seminary in 2012. Alongside my ministry work, I have founded and built two successful companies. Midwest Skier was founded in 1998. Fresh Vine was founded in 2007.
I enjoy teaching, preaching, writing, and creating art. My life and faith are drawn together with the monastic practices of fasting, contemplation, and prayer. They inspire me to be present with God during my days. Since 2016, I have felt God drawing me to help found Urban Monasticism.

Jordan Prins
Paris, France
A Founder & Treasurer
Since 2019
I’ve long been drawn to a spiritual and integrated life. Having grown up in a charismatic church, contemplative spirituality was almost unknown to me. As an adult, I learned more about monastic practices. I first experienced them within a trusted community. Within them, I found such depth and beauty. Contemplative and meditative practices opened me to new ways of relating with God. It was here that I felt I had finally found my spiritual home. There was freedom in liturgies in a way I never expected. Freedom to be simply present with God, without pretense or expectation.
I see so much beauty in humanity and nature. This inspires me to explore how we can better understand and engage the world around us. Discovering new ways I can offer love and grace for all I encounter. Learning how to navigate my days in simple yet meaningful ways that bring life.
I am pursuing my Master of Theology degree, am an amateur artist, and a lover of dogs. I love living life in the city, and all that it brings.

Sheila Whittenberg
Berlin, Germany
A Founder
Since 2019
I’m a contemplative, artist and advocate for children. I am a minister for children. I do this through Communitas International, the FeG, and Berlinprojekt. I am also a trainer with Godly Play Germany. Monastic practices have become central to deepening my faith. They have helped me enrich my artistic practice. They also help me accompany children in their spiritual formation. I am committed to embracing all that God and life have to offer with open hands.
The Contributors
Coming Soon
The Founders of Urban Monastics
It was three people who started Urban Monastics. While sharing a meal they each affirmed their desire to see Urban Monasticism exist. They got to work after that meal in Den Haag on September 22, 2019. The first gathering was weeks later, on the first Sunday of Advent. On 1 December 2019 they gathered people from across Europe and the Americas.
Within weeks of starting, the world was caught up in a global pandemic. This reality shaped much of the first years of Urban Monastics and the work of the founders. It shifted us from small local groups into a global community. We are grateful for their commitment and faithfulness.
The Founders of Urban Monastics
Paul Prins
Jordan Prins
Sheila Whittenberg