The Books
written by and for Urban Monastics

The Urban Monastic Way of Life
Written by: Paul Prins
Coming January 10th, 2025
Come, let’s walk together. Being a monastic is not a destination. It is a journey, with Christ, into a greater understanding and embodiment of your faith. This Way of Life invites you to engage deeply with God, yourself, and your world. Being a monastic is an intentional, embodied, and fulfilling way to be a Christian. Discover how to live monastically in your city.

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Night Prayers of Urban Monastics
Coming Later in 2025
Let this book be your nighttime prayer companion. Let it rest on your bedside table and allow it to invite you to conclude your day with the Lord. Within you will find the complete nighttime divine office of Compline. There is a further selection of prayer practices to help you slow down and find rest.
Prayers and Practices of Urban Monastics
In Progress
All of our prayer practices and foundational disciplines in one book. Each chapter is accessible for everyone, while inviting you to the depths of God’s presence in prayer. This is an excellent resource for personal devotion, small groups, and church leaders. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.

Urban Monastic Breivary
In Progress
This is our book for the prayers of the Divine Office.