Being a Patron

At the heart of Urban Monastics is an invitation. We invite everyone to live a holistic, embodied, and balanced life devoted to Jesus. Many of us are called to live monastically in the cities we are living in. A growing number of people all around the world are discovering our invitation. We are here to support them as they steward the fullness of their lives. All their heart, spirit, mind, & strength. All they are and have for God’s Eternal Kingdom. Patrons are invited to steward part of what God has given them to support this meaningful work. When they do, they experience the joy of generosity with God. Their financial generosity is an embodiment of the importance of the Kingdom of God in their lives.

The Mission of Urban Monastics

Living as Monastics
in Cities around the World

It is a life of contrast and collision to live monastically in a city. The busyness of cities meets the calm of monasticism. The loud with the quiet. The urban pull to excess verses simplicity. Today, more people now live in cities than not. Inviting them to live monastically in their context is one tangible way to express and live for the Kingdom of God today.

We believe that God desires for there to be Urban Monastics living in every city. That a quiet longing that began stirring in Paris and Berlin will resonate the world over. Growing into local and global communities that contain the fullness of our global Church.

Gathering, Growing, and Equipping our Community

Living a faithful life is difficult. Living as a monastic in a city is hard. Being a place and voice of grace is the most important thing we can do for them. To always invite the community of Urban Monastics back, with grace, into our practices and rhythms. Helping them realize the devotion and dedication they long for. To see them living out the realities of the Kingdom of God in their lives and cities. As an organization, we focus our energy in three ways as we gather, grow, and equip our community.


Inviting people, like you, from around the globe into our community.

We meet together online and in person for events, retreats, and more.


Sharing with new people about Urban Monasticism, our practices, and rhythms.

Helping our community tend to their spiritual and personal growth.


Teaching, modeling, and inviting others into our practices, rhythms, and Way of Life.

Creating resources for our practices and rhythms that fit our ecumenical and accessible values.

Our Major Projects

Being entrusted to gather, grow, and equip the community of Urban Monastics is a tremendous honor. There are more ideas and dreams than hours in our days. Many things are in motion. These five projects are the most anticipated by our community. All of these projects are in process and ongoing.

Events & Gatherings

Since 2019 we’ve hosted monthly Gatherings of Urban Monastics. It is a time to pray the divine office, take the Eucharist, and enjoy a conversation.

Watch one of our Online Gatherings

Urban Monastic Breviary

Praying the Divine Office is a foundation of monasticism. We are in the process of translating and creating our own prayer book – known as a Breviary.

Pray the Urban Monastic Office of Compline (Night Prayer)

Self-Guided Retreats

These retreats invite you to escape into solitude. Rhythms and practices are crafted to guide you for a set number of days.

In-Person Retreats

Meeting together at Monasteries for several days. That we might get to live our practices, rhythms, and community together.

Monastic Apps & Platform

We are building applications and a web platform to help us better connect as a community and experience our practices.

Schedule a time to Explore!

Grab a time below. You will receive a unique zoom link by email after selecting a time. Paul looks forward to exploring with you!

Ask your Questions

Your questions are always welcome.
Use the form below or you can email Paul directly.

Patron Form

This form is on the Patron page to allow them to ask questions or leave comments.

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