Guide to the Practice of
Lectio Divina
Divine Reading
An engaged listening to a passage of scripture over multiple readings.
This is a Spiritual Practice of Urban Monastics.
One prays Lectio Divina in three steps, wrapped in prayer. Most of this prayer is spent in still silence. The work of this prayer is internal and personal. Learn how to pray Lectio Divina, and how to prepare your own Lectio Divina.
Quick Guide
The prayer of Lectio Divina has four parts.
A passage of scripture is read aloud for us to hear.
focusing your body, mind, and spirit towards the text.
Being purposefully in God’s tender and loving presence where thoughts, emotions, and words can move in both directions
Opening yourself to what God may bring to your mind or spirit.
Follow these Steps
Invite the Presence of the Holy Spirit
Meditate After the First Reading.
Pray After the Second Reading.
Contemplate After the Third Reading.
Conclude with a prayer of Thanksgiving
Lectio Divina is a slow, methodical, prayerful reading of, and listening to scripture, allowing the Spirit to speak through the text to us.
Find a space where you can be undisturbed for the duration of the prayer. It can be helpful to light a candle to symbolize God being present in this time with you. Decide in advance how long you will pray and break the time down. It can be helpful to note when each reading should start.
Try to limit your distractions during this time. Silence can be preferred to avoid distraction. There may be circumstances where having music in place is helpful. In this case, choose something without lyrics that has a pacing that is calm and slow. Find a track that is either long enough or that you can loop.
Start by being mindful of your body. Get into a comfortable position. Place both feet on the ground, posture upright. You can even place your hands open, facing upwards in your lap. Close your eyes if that will keep you from being distracted by things around you. Prepare by quieting yourself and praying. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide the time and the reading of scripture.
Step by Step
Invite the Spirit’s Presence through Prayer
Take time to invite the Spirit’s presence into this space. Ask God to ready yourself, and for the Spirit to give you what is needed in this time.
Father, thank you for this time to come in worship before you. Reveal yourself to us through your scripture, and give us peace. Holy Spirit, meet us in this place. Ready our hearts to hear from you. Ready our minds to think on you. Ready our souls to rest in you. Amen.
Reading (Lectio) the Scripture
Each prayer will rest on a singular passage of scripture. It should be of a reasonable length. Long enough to give us time. There is no hard rule on length. Try starting with a reading of 30–60 seconds.
Each step starts with a reading of the same text. You can have someone read it aloud for you, or you can read it aloud for yourself. Do not rush the reading. Read it simply. Avoid emphasis. Let us not be the ones to guide those listening.
Meditate after the First Reading
The first reading welcomes us into a time of meditation. Meditation is focusing your body, mind, and spirit onto or towards something in particular. What parts of the reading stuck out to you? Where does your mind go? Were there parts of the reading that caused a response in your body? Ask questions about the reading and how you met it today. Do not idealize the text or yourself. Let yourself be honest and open in these moments.
Allow at least several minutes to meditate.
Pray after the Second Reading
The second reading welcomes us into a time of prayer. Prayer is allowing words, thoughts, and feelings to be communicated between you and God. Allow time to hear from God as you express your desires. Pray about what has come up for you in hearing this text read aloud.
Allow at least several minutes to pray.
Contemplate after the Third Reading
The third reading welcomes us into a time of contemplation. This is time to stop. Rest. Listen. When distraction comes, gently bring your focus back.
Allow at least several minutes to contemplate.
Closing Prayer of Thanksgiving
Wrap your time in prayer, thanking God for this time you’ve spent with Him.
Lord, help us treasure your presence with us. Holy Spirit we love you and long for you. Help us keep the words of your scripture on our minds and hearts. Amen.