Silence is a gift that helps us deeply know ourselves, and our God.
This is a Foundational Discipline of Urban Monastics.
You are invited into silence. There you will find yourself in the presence of our God. We often do not think about silence as a discipline or a skill. Yet, silence is foundational to so many of our Christian practices and ways of praying. It is something that we need to learn how to do. We need to learn to how to be in silence. The idea of making silence is odd at first. We may be inclined to think of silence as the absence of sound or noise. However, being prayerfully silent is more than being quiet. We must seek and make a home within silence (this is a part of our Way of Life).
The reality is that it takes effort to seek and make silence. It is much more than the absence of noise and sound. It is different from simply being quiet. Silence invites us into ourselves with a posture of stillness, acceptance, and presence. Understanding silence this way invites us to pursue and desire deeper times of silence. Understanding it as a discipline invites us to practice it and to be patient with our progress. Silence waits for us on the other side of being quiet. In many ways, over many days, we get to touch and experience silence. Here in the silence that we seek, we find ourselves. As we give attention to ourselves here, we discover how deeply interwoven and inseparable our mind, body, and spirit truly are.
When the psalmist wrote ‘Be still, and know that I am God,’ they expected silence. Silence has been a part of prayer, and an important part of discovering and being present with our God. The journey into silence invites us first to stillness, then acceptance, and finally presence. Each of these realities builds and weaves itself through you as you grow in this practice.
Stillness in our Silence
Stillness is difficult. As we enter into silence, it is common to experience a desire to move. The majority of our life calls us to be moving and doing. Our mind and body spend the majority of their time moving or being expected to move. This makes stillness a gift and a mercy. Stillness invites us to simply exist and be. It takes time to be able to be still without expectation or shame. In stillness, we feel the fullness of our body, emotions, spirit, and presence.
It is normal for it to take an extended time in silence before our mind begins to rest. Further along this journey, beyond rest, is stillness. When we are still, each movement becomes a choice. Being embodied in our stillness invites us to accept ourselves in our silence.
Acceptance in our Silence
We are more than we can know. The more time you spend in silence, the more you will discover about yourself. This happens because silence requires total acceptance of ourselves as we are. Silence is not a place to change or fight who we are. Here in the stillness of silence is a place of gentleness. Every thought, feeling, memory, hope, dream, and shame that may flood your mind is known by our God. It is known, and you are accepted as you were and as you are. Jesus does not accept you because you will one day do better or be better. Jesus knows you today and accepts you. The acceptance and love of Jesus will always be free from conditions. The grace, love, and mercy of our God are truly undeserved.
As you spend more time in silence, you will continue to discover more of yourself. All that you learn about yourself, you can choose to accept. Accept the good with the bad, and everything in between. When we accept ourselves, we do not pass value or judgment. Accepting something does not mean you approve of or aspire to it. Our acceptance is the acknowledgment that it exists within us, and is a part of us in some way. With time, it is likely you will notice this journey of discovery takes you into unexpected parts of yourself. There are endless depths within every one of us. You are never alone in these depths. Everywhere you venture within, you are in the company of the advocate Jesus sent to us—the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of our God dwells within you, with illuminating love and grace. Whenever you may despair, may the Spirit’s love and grace sustain you. For you are beloved of our God in every way.
Presence in our Silence
The more that we discover and accept about ourselves, the more present we become with who we are. The first person you are present with in your silence is yourself. This is hard work. It will take care and discipline. Getting and being here will change who you are. Being present with yourself is a gift. You get to be with yourself, who is wonderful, and cherished by the God of all things.
In the midst of our silence, we may sense and feel the presence of our God. It is true that God is always with us. It is also true that it is very difficult to feel the presence of God. Our God does not exist to be what we expect, or to be found in the ways we may demand. Again and again, our God confounds the powerful, wise, and wealthy to be found by the meek and mourning. As we journey to this point, we find that we have come to accept ourselves, just as Jesus has accepted us. This miraculous reality is only possible because of the Spirit of God that dwells within us. The Spirit of God is the fullness of God, and the fullness of love.
A part of this journey into silence is about knowing yourself. Every moment in silence helps you sense the boundaries and edges of yourself. Your acceptance of yourself helps you see the places you fill and what is beyond yourself. Here in the beyond within yourself, you may discover our God. The Holy Spirit dwells within you, mingles with you, and continues to be the fullness of our God. Silently rest with the One who will forever hold you, accept you, and love you. Thank God for all that He is and for His presence with you. There is nowhere you can go to be away from Him. Yet, here in the silence, you can simply be with Him. In the silence, there is only you and all you are together with God and all that He is. Treasure every moment you sense and feel the presence of God.