Spiritual Reading
Lectio Spiritualis
Reading that helps us understand and appreciate God and all He has done.
This is a Spiritual Practice of Urban Monastics.
We are blessed to have the canon of scriptures that makes up the Bible. It invites us to believe in Jesus, and its words have become the foundation of the Church. The works of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit expand far beyond these texts. God is present and active in all our lives. When we read other spiritual texts, we are not replacing the Bible, or claiming those words to surpass the Bible’s authority. We read beyond the scriptures because God invites us to explore and discover.
There are so many kinds of books that fit within this category. Some books may be more academic and theological, while others are stories of fiction. There is a particular draw to biographies of the faithful that inspire us, and give us deeper appreciation for God. The main decision for spiritual reading is selecting the book. As with any book that you begin to read, you have no obligation to finish it. Feel free to set it down if it is not what you need or enjoy right now.
When you are done reading a book, take a moment to thank God for the author, and how the words met you. Reflect on the ways that the reading was meaningful to you. Give thanks to God for the author and anyone else present in the reading. Ask that our Father, in His mercy, would allow others to be enriched through those same words.