You’re invited to devote a day to prayer, rest, and silence.
A Local Day Retreat in Edinburgh on
Saturday the 1st of March, 2025
This is a special registration page for the Mustard Seed Edinburgh. All the information for this retreat is on the main retreat page. This retreat is possible because of the support and effort of leaders in your community. As a way of saying thank you, we have set aside some tickets at a 50% discount of £20.
To learn about the retreat, or to pay the full £40 price visit the main retreat page.

The retreat is limited is to the first 50 people who register.
This retreat is open to everyone who is at least 18 years old.
All attendees must follow our Code of Conduct.
There is no childcare provided.
Get your Mustard Seed Tickets
Mustard Seed Ticket Sale Closes on Monday the 24th of February.