Moments are times of meeting together, focused on a singular expression, practice, or conversation. These are times that can encourage, equip, and bless those who come. These are different than Gatherings, are less focused on the community, and more focused on individual time with God.
Our Next Moment
Saturday, November 19
17h Paris/Berlin
10am Minneapolis
What is a Moment?
In addition to our core Gathering, we also come together for Monastic Moments. These Moments are a time in your week to step away from busy life, slow down, and meet with God through a spiritual practice. These Moments are done together, but with the intent of teaching you the practice so that you are comfortable enough to have a Moment any time you want on your own or with others. Moments are focused on a monastic-related practice or expression. Our hope is that you would be able to quiet yourself and enter into communion with God through these simple intentional practices.
What to Expect
An example of a Moment could be focusing on Lectio Divina. The first portion of the hour is spent explaining the practice or expression, where it comes from, and the connection to Monasticism. Before jumping into practicing the practice, we will make sure everyone understands how the time will be spent and answer any questions that may arise. Then the majority of the time is spent actually doing the practice or expression, allowing space and time for you to meet with God on your own terms. When we come back at the end of the hour, there might be a time to share (optional) what your experience was like, or we may just pray and end the time. These Moments are a no-pressure environment, where you can just show up and meet with God (with little to no interaction with others), and expectantly wait for Him to meet you. We hope you’ll join us.
Join us as we meet for our next Moment!