The News
About Urban Monastics

Below is every post about developments in our organization.
Please contact us if there are questions you have that have not been addressed.
Refining our Vision and Mission
Read More: Refining our Vision and MissionWe have refined the Vision and Mission of Urban Monasticism for the first time since we started in November 2019. These statements will help give us greater focus in the direction the Lord has been directing us.
Announcing the Urban Monastic Breviary
Read More: Announcing the Urban Monastic BreviaryOne of the most content rich parts of our practice of Urban Monasticism is praying the Divine Offices.To help those of us on this path we have begun the process of creating a breviary of our own.
Building our foundation with a Pilot
Read More: Building our foundation with a PilotWe are excited and slowly stepping into what is before us. This is a short letter to announce our Pilot. It will run from 1 December 2019 until 23 May 2021.
Gods leading to found Urban Monasticism
Read More: Gods leading to found Urban MonasticismAfter years of slow and methodical leading by God we are prayerfully starting Urban Monasticism. Our hearts, hopes, and prayers are in alignment that this group would be a place of hope and refuge for those who will join us. We hope to explain in this letter how we arrived here.