17/11/2021 @ 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm CET

Join us as we have a conversation with Martin Abend from Berlin, Germany. Martin is an Oblate with the Third order of the Society of St Francis within the Church of England. This is a “secular” order. This means he lives and works independent from a Franciscan community. We’re excited to have Martin as our guest, and learn more of what his monastic life in the city entails!
About Martin
“I’m Martin, 49 years old, married with a daughter and live in Berlin, Germany. I’ve grown up in a Baptist Church but was always interested in monasticism. Around 2007 I discovered my love for contemplation and liturgy and learned of the Third order of the Society of St Francis within the Church of England (TSSF). After 9 years of being a novice I just recently made my lifelong profession. In the Third Order we want to serve God in the spirit of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience in everyday life and draft our own Rules of Life along the Rule of the order. Francis inspires me with his complete devotion, his gifted spiritual wisdom as well as with his dual focus on contemplation and action.”

This event will take place over Zoom.
All individuals who RSVP will be sent the meeting information one hour before the event starts.