05/12/2021 @ 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm CET

Once a month we join together as a community to pray the divine office, share in the divine meal of communion, and sharing a conversation (see the topic below). This time is strongly encouraged for all who join us as Monastics and Practitioners. It is also open to anyone who wishes to join us.
Please come with bread and wine (or appropriate substitutes) so that you may particpate in communion with us.
This Months Conversation
This second Sunday of Advent we want to rest into Spiritual Longing & Anticipation. The ecclesial calendar begins with this season of Advent. It is a time for us to cultivate the longing and anticipation of our hope. Together we will talk about how so much of our modern world finds its self at odds with longing and anticipation with its emphasis rather on fulfillment, realization, and consumption. We’ll share ideas of ways that we can cultivate in us this gift of waiting and all the emotions and experiences that come with it.