Listing of all the Psalms

Below is a listing of the psalms. As we publish notes on the translations of the texts they will also be listed from here. We are also using the Masoretic numbering system (which is the one you are likely familiar with), and have included the Greek (LXX) numbering for completeness. After psalms are published we will update the titles with links to read them in the scriptorium, and many will also include a reflection on the translation process. If you are interested in our approach to translations you can read our translation guidelines.

The psalms will be translated first in the order in which we need them. While we are in the process we will be jumping around. If you have need for a specific psalm which is not yet translated let us know, and we will see what we can do.

You may also be interested in the List of Canticles

Photo Credit
Paul Prins taken 14 April 2021 at Square Paul Painlevé in Paris.